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3 Clear Signs Your Windows Need Better Insulation

April 23, 2024
3 Clear Signs Your Windows Need Better Insulation

Are your energy bills too high?

Do you feel drafts near your windows? This could mean your windows are not insulating well.

Three signs your windows may need better insulation are:

  • Higher than normal energy bills
  • Feeling drafts around windows
  • Condensation between window panes

Sign 1: Higher Energy Bills

Poor window insulation allows heat to escape your home easily. This makes your heating and cooling system work harder, increasing energy use and costs.

Single-pane windows insulate poorly compared to double or triple-pane windows with low-e coatings and gas fills.

According to the Department of Energy, windows can account for up to 30% of a home’s heating and cooling costs. Homes with older, inefficient windows can have up to 25% higher energy bills.

Sign 2: Feeling Drafts

If you feel drafts around windows, it means air is leaking in or out. This can happen due to poor installation, worn weatherstripping, or damage to the window frame.

To check for drafts, do the candle test or use an infrared thermometer to find cold spots indicating air leaks.

Fixing drafts may involve re-caulking, replacing weatherstripping, or having a professional re-seal or replace the window.

Sign 3: Condensation Between Panes

If you see condensation between the panes of double or triple-glazed windows, it means the insulating seal has failed. The gas filling has leaked out, letting moisture in.

Besides reducing insulation, condensation can promote mold growth, damage the window, and worsen indoor air quality.

Temporary fixes like window inserts or moisture-absorbing films can help. But the best solution is usually replacing the affected windows.

Other Factors Affecting Window Insulation

Window material, age, installation quality, external sealing, and frame condition also impact how well windows insulate. Understanding these nuances helps decide if repair or full replacement is needed.

If you notice any of these insulation issues, consider an expert evaluation to maintain home comfort and lower energy costs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, recognizing the hidden signs of window insulation failure is the first step in maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home.

By understanding the various factors that can impact window performance, you can make informed decisions about upgrades or replacements.

Experiencing any of the issues discussed in this article and need further guidance?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Atlantic Glass for personalized advice and solutions to ensure your windows are effectively insulating your home.

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